Time management

Often the most common excuse from anyone unable to attend the gym is time. Or lack thereof…

I like to reframe this and cut straight to the point of what it really means when you say you don’t have time. The reality is that your priorities are elsewhere.

I’m not saying that this is a problem, not at all, what I am saying is that lack of time is not the reason why you aren’t able to get the results that you so desperately want. It just isn’t a priority to you at the moment, otherwise you would make the time.

Seems harsh, but it’s true.

All of my clients are very busy people and could easily say they didn’t have time to look after their health and body composition, but they don’t… They make it.

I work with business leaders, stay at home mums, actors, athletes and the average Joe or Jane. All of whom have very different schedules, all of whom have their own unique lives, all of whom are incredibly busy in their own right.

All of whom are able to commit to at least 3 hours per week for training. That is only around 2% of their entire week.

See time isn’t the problem. We’re all gifted the same 24 hours every single day. 168 hours every single week. What we do with those hours is entirely down to us and what we prioritise.

You either prioritise making time for your health or you don’t. Neither way is right or wrong, but, you do have the time.